Simple Ways to Reduce Waste Going to a Landfill

Apr 13, 2020

There are a lot of things that we use on a daily basis and then throw away. Sadly, this results in a mountain of trash as we discard old items and new packaging. In order to reduce solid waste, it is necessary to reduce waste that is sent to landfills. Most landfill waste can be reduced by reducing, reusing, and recycling. Due to the slow decomposition rate that takes thousands of years, some many acres of land that could have been used for the establishment of new residential colonies and industries have already been rendered virtually useless. Landfill waste is a major problem because of its economic and environmental impact.

The average American helps make far more trips to landfills than you might think, despite the fact that most of us think we’re good at recycling and conserving. No matter how many of us say we believe in the virtues of recycling and reusing, the real question is whether we actually do it. You can take these steps to reduce the number of trips to a landfill you make each year:

1. Donate Clothes

Believe it or not, clothing waste is among the biggest contributors to landfills. To get rid of the things we no longer wear, including sweaters that were in style last year, ripped shirts, and clothes that we simply don’t want to wear anymore, we open our closets. What happens to it after that? It goes to the trash and then to the landfill, so that’s where it goes.

Make better use of those old clothes instead of throwing them away. First and foremost, make certain that these are garments that you no longer require. After that, you can either give away your unwanted clothing to people that need it or Goodwill stores, as well as hold a garage sale. As they say, one man’s trash can be another man’s treasure.

2. Reduce Food Waste

One of the most frequently discarded items in our society is food. An alarmingly high percentage of the food we buy each year goes uneaten. Make good use of food instead of merely throwing it away. Millions of hungry people could be fed if we donated even a small portion of the food we don’t eat.

3. Eat Healthy

Consider making dietary changes as well. Opt for fresher, more nutritious foods that don’t come packaged with as much waste. For maximum efficiency, repurpose old shopping bags as well as containers, and even better, use cloth bags. Reduce your reliance on fast food takeout.

4. Save Leftovers for Next Day

The leftovers are important, so don’t forget them! There are too many people who are careless enough just to toss aside half of a good meal rather than saving it for later. Increasing the frequency with which you eat leftovers will save you money and help to reduce food waste. Try putting the leftovers from tonight’s dinner in the fridge for lunch or dinner the next day.

5. Buy Things With Less Packaging

The freezer is a great place to store extra food. Buy a lot of food at once and put it in the freezer; then, till the freezer is empty, don’t buy any more food. Purchasing food in bulk also reduces packaging waste and reduces packaging waste.

6. Boycott Plastic Water Bottles

A staggering number of people discard plastic water bottles each day. Make sure you don’t become like them. Using reusable glass bottles not only saves you money, but it also reduces the amount of bottles that end up in landfills or at the bottom of the ocean because you’ll be throwing out fewer empty and unempty bottles. Visit here to learn about water pollution.

7. Just Don’t Buy as Much Stuff….


If you’re serious about reducing the number of trips users make to a landfill every year, buying less stuff will have a significant effect on the ability of trips you make already. Reassess your goals. Contrast your desires with your needs. Be aware of what you discard as well.

8. Recycle!

Make use of old glass bottles and cans rather than throwing them away. Instead, put them to good use in the recycling. Put old soda cans, paper, metal, and plastic cups in a recycle bin in ones home for easy disposal of waste. Recycling facilities can be found in most towns and cities. Instead of hauling trash to the landfill, try taking it to a recycler.

9. Purchase Items Made From Recycled Products

Buying recycled products is a great way to contribute to a cleaner and greener environment. As a result, most of the advertisements make it clear that your purchase helps to reduce landfills. You can set an example for ones friends, family, and relatives by purchasing products made from recycled materials, and they’ll follow suit.

10. Clean Smarter

Baking soda & vinegar can be used to unclog ones drains instead of purchasing cleaning products from the store. No matter how you use it, baking soda and vinegar are both safe for the environment. Avoid the bottles of cleaners & cans you normally use by using this method.